I committed a crime so the police wanted to catch me. I ran for my life to get away from the police. I thought It was impossible to get away from them because they were around the whole village. So I pretended to be one of them by using their uniforms. They couldn't find out who I really was, however, I took off the uniform because the weather was too hot. However, I was caught. So I went to jail. I had to stay in jail for 1year, but one day after I went in, I came out and after 10 years, I'm now free. I changed my life. I decided to be kind person. I have lots of money because I stole money before. I donated all the money to UNICEF and I got a prize from UNICEF. I'm now working at UNICEF in advertising and I became super famous. In the New york times, I appeared and TIMES said that 'Thief changed to donor'. I was proud of my self. When I go along the street, everyone follows me and even the homelesses follow me too.
I regret my past life and from now, I will live kind and apologize to the police who wanted to catch me.
When was the time that we first met each other? I think It was 2010,Children's day. I wanted to buy iPod nano, but when I saw you, I was attracted to you, So I bought you.
As I knew, your ability was great. I think your father Steve Jobs was great. I started 'kakao talk' with you, I played games with you, and I listened music with you too. i was happy that I had you, and my friends were envious of me. I think you are my best present from my mom. However, I'm sorry that I gave you to my cousin, but I always remember you.
Recently, the Apple, iPhone 4S came out. Apple said that iPhone 5 will come out soon. However, I think you will not be forgotten by people because you are a great MP3 and internet machine.
I think you are a successful Digital multi player from Apple. After I go back to my home, I will took back you from my cousin and download 'Siri' for you. Please wait me until GLPS finishes~
Hello everyone? Today,I will talk about the video 'Spring' by Kim Ki Duk. There was one young monk and his teacher. One day, the young monk tied fish,snake,frog with string and a rock. However, the teacher saw that and he tied a rock to the young monk. The young monk was asked to find the animals but fish and snake was dead. He cried and buried them. So, what do you think that this movie wants to tell you? Now, I will talk about it. First, I think there are big differences between the teacher and me. The teacher loved a creature, but I think I'm do not. When I heard the monk speak, I thought that I should love creatures. Although we saw a tiny little ant, we should leave It alone. If we change the position, would you like to be stepped on by a human's foot? No, I think everyone would not like it. So, I hope everyone will love creatures. Second, I will give you some examples from my life. First, I spit on a frog. Now I'm reflecting on my behavior. Next, at school, we have a small lake. There are lots of frogs. I caught them and kicked them. I have to apologize to the frogs. Sorry,frogs, I will not do that again. In conclusion, video 'Spring' wants to tell us that you should love creatures. I learned that we should love animals, do not tie an animal with rock. Everyone, please do not kill animals, but love them. They will make us life better. Thank you~
Hello, today, I will talk about the worst criminal in the world, Joseph Kony. Should he be famous or not? Before I start my journal, I will ask you some questions. Do you know Kony? I think most of you, don't know. Kony is the worst criminal in the world, who must be captured. Nowadays, he is in issue. there are some people who say that we should make him famous and catch him. However, there are some people who argue that we should catch him secretly. What is your opinion? My opinion is that we should first make him famous and catch him. Now, I will explain why we should make him famous.
First, do you know why he is doing something bad? It is for fun and to maintain his power. On the Earth, only 1% of people know who Kony is. If we don't make him famous, most people will simply say "It's not my business" and just ignore Kony's crime. So, to make more people concern and worry about Kony's crimes, we should make him famous.
Second, It is serious problem on the Earth. Within past 20 years, Kony kidnapped more than 30,000 kids in Uganda, raped people, turn kids into solidier and made them kill their parents. Everyone on the Earth must know these inhumane and cruel misconducts. I believe that whoever becomes aware of Kony, after mae famous, would want to punish him.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that criminals like Kony must be punished for their crimes and compensate the victims for their loss. To catch him, can only be possible if we make him famous that more people with conscince strive to let justice stand and criminals fall.
Do you have some interesting memories? I have a lot. When we think about our favorite memories, we feel happy. I'm happy to write this journal because I can think my interesting memories. Today, I will talk about my favorite memories.
My first favorite memory is when I went to Hong Kong. I went to Hong Kong with my family. I took peak tram to see the Hong Kong's night view. It was beautiful and there were lots of buildings too. On the top of the buildings, there were lazers so we had a lazer show too. It was interesting. I tried chinese food but it contained too much oil so I couldn't eat all. However, It was interesting.
My second favorite memory is when I bought my laptop computer. It was almost 2million won, but I got an all 100 score in my mid-term test so I could buy it. The name of my laptop computer was LG XNOTE. It was the newest laptop and its booting speed was 9 seconds. Also it is very slim and the design was great too. I will use it until I go to university. I think it was my best memory among my memories.
My last favorite memory is when I got a all 100 in mid-term and my final exam. My mom felt very happy and I was satisfied with myself. I think I could get all 100 because I worked hard and lots of academies. By the way, I can buy something I want!!
There are lots of things that are true. Do you guys know lots of true things? I know lots of true things, but i will share only three true things so I will think carefully and tell you some.
First thing is about me. It is true that my hobby is to play soccer. Do you like to play soccer? I love it. When i play soccer, i can relieve my stress and it is interesting!
Next, it is true that Korea is now divided into 2 countries. It is very sad thing but it is true. I hope Korea will unite before i die.
Lastly, it is true that my favorite band is Maroon 5. How about you? Their representitive songs are "Move like jagger" and "Lucky strike". They both are good song i strongly recommend you to listen these songs. I like Maroon 5 because they are cool and good at singing.
These were all true things. What are your true things? I'm so curious. Please leave lots of comments~! Bye~